

Take One

Exam 77-891 Office 365
2. Communicate by using Office 365 Outlook Web Application
2.2  Organize Calendars: Scheduling Assistant


The Scheduling Assistant
5. Try It: Review the Scheduling Assistant
At the top of the Scheduling Assistant is the proposed Start and End times.

Attendees include the Meeting Organizer, Elizabeth Nofs, and a Required Attendee, Glen Glick. The Free/Busy status is shown in the row to the right of each Attendee in the Planner.

Elizabeth has an Appointment from 12:00 PM
to 1:00 PM. It is purple so she will be AWAY.

There is no information for Glen Glick: his Calendar is not online.

The Appointment begins at 12:00 PM
(green line on the right in the Planner)
The Appointment ends at 1:00 PM
(red line on the left in the Planner).

What Else Do You See? On the right side are Suggested Times for this meeting.

OK, click
Send to E-mail the Meeting Request.
The Appointment will close.
You should return to the Calendar.
Keep going...


Appointment->Scheduling Assistant

